
This is an old article

My opinions on this have likely changed since this was first written

SOLID Seems to be the Hardest Word

Yesterday I gave a talk at the Wellington .NET User Group on the SOLID principles drawing on some of my own personal experience and biases over the years. The slides to this can be found in the presentations sections; however since the slides on their own are useless without context I plan to turn the presentation into a short series of blog posts.

I’ll be focusing more on the applicability of the SOLID principles rather than the strict definition and code impacts, including:

It’s my intent to provide a useful mid-level introduction into the application of SOLID, which’ll serve as a springboard to you considering these principles as a permanent tool in your development toolkit. It’s not my in my plan, or even in my capability, to provide a comprehensive / definitive overview of these principles and their impacts - there’s plenty enough detail already out there on this subject.

Finally be aware that these posts will be my own personal opinion, drawing on experiences I’ve had over the course of my career.